People with opioid use disorders: A taxonomy of treatment entrants to support the development of a profile-based approach to care

Original research
Archambault, Léonie et al

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This study aims to identify different profiles of people with OUD in a sample of patients admitted to a specialised opioid agonist treatment (OAT) facility.

Constatations/points à retenir

The LCA revealed three socio-clinical profiles: (i) “polysubstance use with psychiatric, physical and social vulnerabilities” (37% of the sample); (ii) “heroin use with vulnerabilities to anxiety and depression” (33%); (iii) “pharmaceutical-type opioid use with vulnerabilities to anxiety, depression and chronic pain” (30%). Class 3 individuals were more likely to be aged 45 years and older. While current approaches (such as low- and regular-threshold services) may be suited for many OUD treatment entrants, there may be a need to improve the continuum of care between mental health, chronic pain, and addiction services for those characterised by the use of pharmaceutical-type opioids, chronic pain and older age.

La conception ou méthodologie de recherche

Chart analysis (n=296)

Mots clés

About PWUD
Chronic pain
Mental health