The Impacts of Social Support and Relationship Characteristics on Commitment to Sobriety Among People in Opioid Use Disorder Recovery

Original research
Brousseau, Natalie M. et al

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Open Access / OK to Reproduce


Évalué par des pairs



The current study examined whether social support, relationship closeness with a disclosure partner, and/or the history of joint substance use between participants and disclosure partners affect commitment to sobriety among people receiving medications for OUD.

Constatations/points à retenir

Higher social support was associated with greater commitment to sobriety among those disclosing to close partners. In contrast, receiving social support or disclosing to a close partner with whom there was a history of joint substance use was associated with decreased commitment to sobriety. Findings highlight the complexities of social support among people in treatment for OUD and demonstrate that relationship closeness and a history of joint substance use with a disclosure partner may be important factors to consider before disclosure.

La conception ou méthodologie de recherche

Data included 131 disclosure events/relationships clustered within 106 participants.

Mots clés

About PWUD
Barriers and enablers
Social benefits