“Just fighting for my life to stay alive”: a qualitative investigation of barriers and facilitators to community re-entry among people with opioid use disorder and incarceration histories

Original research
Hoffman, Kim A. et al

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To understand the barriers and facilitators to treatment and reintegration of people with OUD during the initial transition from carceral settings back into the community.

Constatations/points à retenir

Participants noted the initial 24 h to be a period of risk for returning to substance use or an opportunity to engage with OUD treatment as well as a tenuous period where many lacked basic resources such as shelter or money. When discussing the subsequent re-entry period, participants noted social challenges and persistent barriers to stable housing and employment. Participants overall described feeling unprepared for release and suggested improvements including formal transition programs, improved education, and support to combat the risk of overdose and return to substance use after incarceration.

Direct link if DOI is not yet active: https://ascpjournal.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s13722-023-00377…

La conception ou méthodologie de recherche

42 semi-structured qualitative interviews

Mots clés

Legal system/law enforcement
About PWUD