Attitudes and experiences with fentanyl contamination of methamphetamine: exploring self-reports and urine toxicology among persons who use methamphetamine and other drugs

Original research
Daniulaityte, Raminta et al

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This study aims to characterize the lay views and experiences with illicitly manufactured fentanyl (IMF)-contaminated methamphetamine (IMF/meth) and identify participants with unknown IMF exposures through urine toxicology analysis.

Constatations/points à retenir

Besides fentanyl (71.9%), toxicology analysis identified nine fentanyl analogs/metabolites (e.g., 42.7% acetyl fentanyl, 19.0% fluorofentanyl, 5.6% carfentanil), and 12.4% tested positive for Xylazine. The majority (71.4%) believed that IMF/meth was common, and 59.3% reported prior exposures to IMF/meth. 11.2% tested positive for IMF but reported no past 30-day heroin/IMF use (unknown exposure to IMF). Views that IMF/meth was common showed association with homelessness, prior overdose, and greater perceived risk of opioid overdose. Self-reported exposure to IMF/meth was associated with homelessness and obtaining take-home naloxone). Individuals with unknown IMF exposure (test positive for IMF, no reported past 30-day heroin/IMF use) were older, and reported more frequent past 30-day use of methamphetamine. They indicated lower perceived risk of opioid overdose (0.1 vs. 1.9, scale from 0 = “none” to 4 = “high,” p < 0.001).

La conception ou méthodologie de recherche

Structured interviews (n=91)

Mots clés

About PWUD
Illegal drugs