The utilization and delivery of safer smoking practices and services: a narrative synthesis of the literature

Lit review
Tapper, Abigail et al

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A systematic review of safer smoking practices.

Constatations/points à retenir

Across studies, smoking drugs, as opposed to injecting drugs, were described as a crucial method to reduce the risk of overdose, disease acquisition, and societal harms such as police violence. Ten studies found that when people who use drugs were provided with safer smoking materials, they engaged in fewer risky drug use behaviors (e.g., pipe sharing, using broken pipes) and showed improved health outcomes. However, participants across 11 studies reported barriers to accessing safer smoking services. Solutions to overcoming safer smoking access barriers were described in 17 studies and included utilizing peer workers and providing safer smoking materials to those who asked.

La conception ou méthodologie de recherche

Lit review (32 articles included)

Mots clés

About PWUD
Harm reduction
Barriers and enablers