Harm reduction in undergraduate and graduate medical education: a systematic scoping review

Scoping review
Smith, Kelsey R. et al

Date de publication



North America

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Open Access / OK to Reproduce


Évalué par des pairs



The purpose of this systematic scoping review is to: 1) review published curricula on harm reduction for substance use implemented by undergraduate (UME) and graduate medical education (GME) in the United States and Canada, 2) develop a framework to describe a comprehensive approach to harm reduction medical education, and 3) propose additional content topics for future consideration.

Constatations/points à retenir

Harm reduction is under-represented in published medical curricula. Because the drug supply market changes rapidly, the content of medical curricula may be quickly outmoded thus curricula that include foundational knowledge of harm reduction principles may be more enduring. Students should be grounded in harm reduction principles to develop the advanced skills necessary to reduce the physical harm associated with drugs while still simultaneously recognizing the possibility of patients’ ongoing substance use. We present the Harm Reduction Educational Spectrum as a new framework to guide future healthcare workforce development and to ultimately provide the highest-quality care for patients who use drugs.

La conception ou méthodologie de recherche

Scoping review (23 articles included)

Mots clés

Harm reduction
About prescribers
Clinical guidance