‘For the first time in My life, My past is an advantage’: the perceived effects of professional peer work on wounded healers in the field of drug addiction

Original research
Elisha, Ety & Esthi Shachaf-Friedman

Date de publication




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Open Access / OK to Reproduce


Évalué par des pairs



Studies point to the many advantages inherent in such peer work, especially for the aid providers. However, little is known about the perceived effects of professional peer work for people with a history of addiction and incarceration, as the current study suggests, the first of its kind in Israel.

Constatations/points à retenir

The findings indicate that peer work enhances the participants’ social capital, and promotes their positive change and recovery process, albeit with some difficulties and challenges. The paper discusses these findings from the emerging Convict Therapy perspective and related approaches of positive criminology and desistance from crime. Specifically, our findings expand the literature on wounded healers in the criminological field and reinforce the culture of ‘giving back’ embodied in the role of peer supporters.

La conception ou méthodologie de recherche

Semi-structured in-depth interviews (n=23)

Mots clés

Legal system/law enforcement
Peer/PWLLE program involvement